Alameda Bodywork Doula 1

Fotolia 17503053 XSI will assist you in formulating a birth plan such as the one below if you choose. The birth plan preferences listed are just a sample of some of the more common desires women have for their births. These do not have to be your desires, please modify the birth plan as is appropriate for you. I find that the easiest way for me to give feedback on a birth plan is with Google docs. You can share a doc with me at

What I most like about this birth plan is how organized, short and to the point it is. It is not necessary to list such things as "No bright lights, dim lights only" - such a request is easy enough to accomplish.

Note how positively this birth plan is phrased. It is not necessary to use words such as; no, don't or never. With respect and creativity we will be able to relay your wishes to all involved.

Birth plan for ______________________

Introduce yourself and your birth team:

We would like:

  • Natural, drug-free birth (remaining flexible)
  • Please do not ask me about my pain levels.
  • Calm atmosphere, low lights
  • Be informed about all procedures/treatments
  • Remain as mobile as possible


  • If guided pushing becomes necessary I would prefer calm gentle guidance from __________ and Zoey.
  • Protect the perineum with massage, or counter pressure and allowing time for the perineum to stretch.


  • Baby immediately placed on mothers belly
  • Please allow the cord to stop pulsating before clamping
  • One hour of limited activity with baby after birth, nurse can assess baby on mother’s chest.
  • Delay all non-critical medical procedures for one hour (medications, weighing and measurement)
  • Vitamin K injection, no Erythromycin eye ointment, delay Hepatitis B.

See my Links page for more information on the options mentioned here.

Key Questions for when a medical procedure or treatment is suggested:

**These do not need to be included in your birth plan**

  • Is there a problem?
  • Is this an emergency or do we have time to wait?
  • What are the benefits or advantages of doing this?
  • What are the risks or disadvantages?
  • If we do this, what other treatments or procedures might be needed as a result?
  • What else could we try first or instead?
  • What would happen if we waited before deciding?